
The Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation has awarded more than $3 million in scholarships since the program began in 1977.

The Michigan State Council, local ESA chapters, and ESA members have established and support several scholarship endowments through the ESA Foundation. These scholarships were established in gratitude to members of ESA for commitment and selfless dedication during their many years of service.


Alpha Kappa / Janet and Steve Gardocki Endowment



  • College Attending State

    • Michigan, USA

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

  • Specific Major

    • Culinary Arts

    • Nursing

The Alpha Kappa / Janet and Steve Gardocki Endowment was established March 28, 2012 by Janet Gardocki.

Alpha Kappa / Jean Hall Endowment



  • College Attending State

    • Michigan, USA

  • Gender

    • Female

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

The Alpha Kappa #4401 / Jean Hall Endowment was established December 29, 1997 by the Alpha Kappa Chapter #4401 of ESA International.  The first scholarship was awarded 2001.

Jean Hall joined ESA in 1941 but had to go inactive due to poor health for five years from 1966 to 1971.  She has been a member of eight chapters in seven cities and has held about every office, some more than once, on both the Chapter and the State Council levels.  Jean chaired a fashion show, a Hawaiian picnic, a benefit for the Grand Rapids Child Guidance Clinic, and a western Michigan round up.  There were many more philanthropic projects with which she was involved. 

While a member of Alpha Omega, she was instrumental in the formation of the Beta Rho Chapter of ESA in 1974.  Jean later transferred to Alpha Kappa in 1978.  During Jean’s time as a member of the Michigan State Council of ESA International, she held offices of Historian, Parliamentarian, Second & First Vice President and President.  She was Convention General Chairman, Roster Chairman and was awarded the Distinguished Athenian in 1979.

When asked what kept her a member of ESA for 50 years, Jean responded with the following:

“Epsilon Sigma Alpha International gives you a broad education opportunity.  It hones your social skills and one learns to cooperate with other people.  You are exposed to the leaders in your community, while supporting various philanthropic projects.  ESA provides a broad scope of interest for everyone.  Most of all, it is the affection and support one receives, that makes ESA a special sisterhood.”

 Alpha Kappa sisters of ESA established this scholarship to extend to Jean Hall their gratitude for her commitment and selfless dedication for 50 years of service.

Alpha Kappa / Jean Varga Endowment



  • College Attending State

    • Michigan, USA

  • Gender

    • Female

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

The Alpha Kappa / Jean Varga Endowment was established March 26, 2002 by the Alpha Kappa Chapter #4401 of ESA International. This scholarship was first awarded in 2008.

Jean Varga joined ESA in Ohio over 40 years ago. After moving to Michigan, she held many appointed and elected offices in the Michigan State Council including State President, as well as all chapter offices.

As a leader in Alpha Kappa Chapter #4401, and with a passion for crafts, she created many opportunities to raise funds for philanthropic projects and to support the ESA Foundation Endowment Programs.

Jean volunteers weekly in community projects such as sewing for veterans with Sew Much Comfort and as a Beaumont Hospital volunteer.

The Alpha Kappa Chapter #4401 established the Alpha Kappa / Jean Varga Endowment to honor Jean and to help women pursue their future education.

Jean believes,

“That a person can succeed in anything, as long as they apply their talent and knowledge. Young people need to know that we care, and that we are there to help them fulfill their vision of the future.”

Alpha Kappa / Joann Zaleski Endowment



  • College Attending State

    • Michigan, USA

  • Gender

    • Female

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

The Alpha Kappa #4401 / Joann Zaleski Endowment was established by the Alpha Kappa Chapter $4401, December 3, 2007. The scholarship was first awarded in 2011.

Joann’s family moved from Michigan to Edmond, Oklahoma in 1977, and while there her adventures in ESA began. She joined Gamma Zeta Chapter #3464 and immediately became involved Co-Chairing a Radio-thon, Bike-a-thon, and Rock-a-thon for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She delivered Meals on Wheels and volunteered on Ways and Means projects.

Returning to Michigan in 1978, Joann was invited to join Alpha Kappa Chapter #4401. Once a member of Alpha Kappa, she moved up through all the offices and became Chapter President in 1982. She began holding appointed and elected offices on the state board of Great Lakes State Council of ESA and was elected state president for the 1988-89 year.

Over the years, Joann has served on many committees for ESA International and for the Midwest Area Regional Council. She was appointed Junior and Senior Easter Seals Chair and Credential Chair for the ESA International Council. For MARC, Joann has served as Editor.

Philanthropic work is a special love for Joann. She fondly remembers riding in the St. Jude 155 mile bike ride fund raiser from Memphis to Little Rock. She coordinated the Annual ESA Easter Seal’s Chili Cook-off in Michigan which has raised many thousands of dollars.

For many years, Joann held offices on the board of the Macomb County Homeless Coalition and Housing Opportunities for Macomb County. For her church, she coordinated a homeless shelter and volunteers as a Minister of Care.

Joann states,

“ESA has been instrumental in preparing me for my many leadership positions. It has guided me from typewriter era to the electronic era and given me a very supportive sisterhood to rely on.”

Alpha Kappa / Michelle J. Doherty



  • Gender

    • Female

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

  • State

    • Michigan

Alyce J. Corbin Memorial Endowment



  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

  • State

    • Michigan

The Alyce J. Corbin Memorial Endowment was established by many sorority sisters and friends of Alyce July 21, 1989. The first scholarship was awarded in 1993.

Alyce Corbin was a distinguished member of ESA for 66 years. When she joined Alpha Gamma Chapter in Flint, Michigan the chapter had 24 members, and she was one of four pledges. This was during World War II. The chapter was actively involved in projects such as purchasing a seeing-eye dog for a blind serviceman. She earned three Pallas Athene degrees while in Alpha Gamma.

During the many years Alyce was affiliated with the Alpha Gamma chapter [until the chapter disbanded] she served all of the chapter offices, as well as Michigan State Council offices. She served as the Michigan State Council President and began attending ESA IC Conventions. Through her travels to state conventions, she met many new friends. In Indiana, she met Becky Roger; when Becky was installed as IC President, she appointed Alyce to serve on the IC Board as Social Chair. Kay McLaughlin appointed Alyce to serve as IC Credentials Chairman.

Alyce expanded her participation in ESA by running for an elected office of the International Council and was elected IC Parliamentarian in 1963-64 under IC President Worda Russell. That year, she attended the IC Convention in St. Petersburg, Florida.

When Alpha Gamma’s name was chosen to select the state philanthropic project, their choice was the donation of a revolving chair for cancer patients to Flint’s Hurley Hospital. Alyce was a breast cancer survivor.

Alyce remained faithful to the ideals of ESA and affiliated with Alpha Lambda chapter after Alpha Gamma disbanded so she could remain active in ESA. In her later years she became a member at large of the Michigan Great Lakes Council.

Her many sisters and friends have helped to fund this ESA Foundation Endowment and were pleased to be able to honor her. She was a very special lady, with a sharp mind and a dry wit, and her gift for telling anecdotes that kept her audience laughing. Alyce passed away September 6, 2009.

Harriette Dunckel Endowment


  • College Attending State

    • Michigan, USA

  • Gender

    • Female

  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

  • State

    • Michigan

The Harriette Dunckel Endowment was established by the Delta Rho Chapter #4547 December 3, 2009.

Harriette joined ESA in 1957 as a member of the Beta Iota Chapter of Lansing, MI.  Then she helped found the Delta Rho Chapter #4547 of Williamston, MI in 1975.  Delta Rho decided to honor Harriette by establishing this scholarship because she has always been a very active member.  

Harriette has been a long time mentor, friend and true sister to so many…not just in sorority but also in the Williamston community.  She is a great supporter of education and has worked to fund other scholarships.  Delta Rho felt it was important to have an endowment in her name.

Peggy Jacques Memorial Endowment



  • GPA

    • Min: 3.00

The Peggy Jacques Memorial Endowment was established by Sigma Tau Chapter, May 4, 1998. The first scholarship was awarded in 2002.

Peggy Jacques was an ESA Life member of ESA with more than 25 years of service. She served as President of the Great Lakes Council twice, and served in other offices both on the Michigan State Council and the Great Lakes Council. She became good friends with both IC Presidents, Lisa Kolstad from California and Corinne Milburn from South Dakota, when she served as State President of the Michigan State Council. Peggy was always willing to assist anyone in any way, and was a good, caring friend to many sisters.

Peggy Jacques chartered Sigma Tau Chapter. When it was decided that an endowment should be established in her name, her chapter, was honored to be the sponsor of the endowment.